letter in the missoulian

Missoula County: Stand up to local officials in their assault on rights

April 02, 2014 7:15 am

Wake up, Montanans. A great soul needs our help! The lawsuit against Jeffrey-James Halvorson by Missoula County is wrong. He has always helped people by providing a free place to stay at his property, Orange Acres. This property has been assessed many times but the process has never been fairly or properly conducted.
A Missoula County employee approved septic permits on the property prior to Halvorson’s purchase. The Missoula County Attorney later sued Halvorson, accusing him of creating a rental subdivision.
This is utterly untrue. Halvorson invites people to stay for free, including at-risk youth and veterans. Halvorson complied with county regulations by buying building permits that were later revoked. Next, other outrageous charges have been leveled against Halvorson and he is being sued again.
Halvorson went to Gov. Steve Bullock’s office in Helena and also had meetings with county commissioners. He got no satisfactory responses at any time from these officials. Halvorson’s goal has always been to make people’s lives better, even if only for a few days.
My friends and I have stayed for free at Orange Acres simply because we needed a safe place to be. We have prepared meals for each other in his extra “unzoned” kitchen. Halvorson is now asking the court for a jury trial to counter-sue the county for the illegal permits issued in the past leading to the lawsuits today.
I’m asking for help for Halvorson in the form of a pro bono lawyer to help him counter-sue. Public outcry to bring the county to negotiate instead of sue would also help.
Private property rights (including personal choices such as how many guests or kitchens one may have), Orange Acres and Halvorson are assets we simply cannot afford to lose.
Kyla Baruch, Plains