Letter in the missoulian

Orange Acres: Thankful for Arlee facility

June 25, 2014 7:30 am

Just to let people know the kindness my grandson was shown while at Orange Acres:
My grandson was very happy at Orange Acres. Everyone there was kind and he wasn’t refused anything.
To make a long story short: We were on a road trip. Our vehicle broke down in Missoula. Because there was a child involved there was no help. We were sent to Orange Acres in Arlee. The owner did not turn us away like Missoula did.
I do not have enough words to thank the owner for our stay there. Because of him we had a chance and time to purchase another vehicle to make it back home – which our home is bought and paid for in Georgia.
Thanks to the owner of Orange Acres. Shame on you, Missoula. How many of these little ones now have to sleep in the streets because of shutting down Orange Acres?
Matthew 19:14: “Jesus said, let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Barbara Emberson, Ellijay, Georgia