A letter asking you to help Orange Acres by signing a petition.

"My husband was an American Army infantryman. He was blown up outside of Baghdad and is now 100 percent disabled with a host of psychological and physical problems.

In 2010, we decided to have a road trip to help him reacclimate to America. Our car ended up breaking down in Missoula, Montana. I hopped onto couchsurfing.com to find tools so we wouldn’t have to buy them so my husband could fix the car. Instead, we found the Orange Acres and Jeffrey James Halvorson.

He came in person and towed our car; he gave us a free place to stay with all the amenities; and he helped us in his garage with his own tools. The generosity, the spirit, the great communal happiness of the place and the owner, not to mention just the absolute peace of the surroundings and to see my PTSD husband basking in it – it still brings tears to my eyes to remember that summer on the Orange Acres and the absolute goodness in people, the absolute relaxation I saw in my troubled man, the absolute antidote for war that was Orange Acres.

Now Halvorson is being sued and Orange Acres is no longer the thriving, happy community it was, and I find it heartbreaking. People should be allowed to help their neighbors, in whatever way they want or can afford or know how. Orange Acres is a good place that saved my husband and me, in more ways than one.

C. Hazen,
Ft. Campbell, Ky."

Please Share and sign the petition, Like our Facebook page, write a letter to the paper, call the governor.
